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[原创]MT4外汇智能分析系统使用说明  发帖心情 Post By:2009-08-05 13:11:00

MT4外汇智能分析系统使用说明 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 首次安装后,请选择系统上面的菜单 “文件”-》“开新模拟帐号”,即可以拥有您自己的模拟资金帐号了 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 软件概况: 国内首款具有买卖提示的外汇软件!!!!!!!! MT4外汇智能交易研究中心是专业从事高智能型金融投资分析软件研发机构。在研发阶段耗资巨大,由数十位著名风险投资及计算机等方面高科技领域的专家历时三年之久共同研发出:高智能型金融投资分析软件-MT4外汇智能分析软件。公司的产品完全具有独立的知识产权已向国家版权局申请著作权。 1、 其特有的MT4决策彩带功能,“红色买涨,绿色买跌,黄色平仓”。非常适合每天的5分钟线,15 分钟线,让您买得更低,卖得更高。当然,指标灵敏了,其操作频率也略有提高,让您温和地小波段操作,规避更多风险,赚钱的机会当然更大了。细心的朋友可以关注我们的MT4决策彩带,基本每次都是有利润存在的,所以我们的理念是“多做波段,避大风险,稳赚小钱。” 2、 当5分钟线出现红色,15分钟线出现红色,并且黄金线处于顶部时,强烈建议进行买涨操作;反之当出现绿色,且黄金线处于底部时,强烈建议您进行买跌操作,所有外汇对于股票有这点好,不论是涨是跌,你都可以赚钱 3、 尤为方便的一点就是,您不需要时刻盯盘,MT4外汇智能分析系统出现买涨买跌时都会随时提示您的 4、 软件的开发原理是,紧紧追随"引导市场趋势主流资金是"MT4外汇智能分析软件"的灵魂,将专家的分析思路,用模糊数学进行量化,然后由计算机按程序去进行严密地分析处理,长线操作:当MT4决策指标由绿变红时买进,当MT4指标由红变绿时卖出;短线操作:配合MT4通道、MT4黄金线等指标操作。 5、 在市面上也有很多外汇软件,但其他软件使用非常复杂,不适合普通投资者的使用,尤其在汇市入世不深经验不足或中老年投资者,我们的软件就解决了这个问题,直接告诉你何时买入何时卖出即可完全由计算机自动完成。软件下载地址: http://www.958000.com/mt4.rar 软件说明:http://www.958000.com 软件大小:6.52m 应用平台:Win95/98/NT/2000/XP MT4外汇智能分析系统购买联系:电话:0736-6100485 手机:13017276161 联系qq:279968000 联系email:liuhui810306@163.com msn帐号: yjgupiao@hotmail.com icq : 167637647 联系人:柳老师界面预览: 图片点击可在新窗口打开查看 图片点击可在新窗口打开查看 图片点击可在新窗口打开查看 图片点击可在新窗口打开查看 图片点击可在新窗口打开查看 软件购买注册费用:580人民币 或者 98美元(使用时间:从首次注册到2015年1月1日)开户银行:中国工商银行湖南省常德市兴街口分理处 (支持即时短信通知)卡号:6222 0019 0810 0660643 开户名:柳惠农业银行帐号:6228 4808 2040 7635 318 开户银行:中国农业银行常德市青年北路分理处开户名:柳惠建设银行账号:6227 0030 0002 0075 990 建设银行 湖南省常德市建设银行高山街支行开户名:柳惠邮政储蓄:605580015200134542 【已经开通短信通知】开户网点名称:湖南省常德市甘露寺邮政储蓄所 户名:柳惠付费后通过以上的联系方式通知我们就可以了的 ......................................................... MT4 foreign exchange intelligence analysis system operating instructions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installs after for the first time, asks the selective system above menu “file” -" “to open the new simulation account number”, namely might have your simulation fund account number ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software survey: Domestic first section the foreign exchange software which has Mai Maiti to show!!!!!!!! The MT4 foreign exchange intelligence transaction research center is specialized is engaged in the high intelligence finance investment analysis software research and development organization.Is huge in the research and development stage wasting assets, by dozens of position famous aspect high tech domain and so on venture capital and computer expert lasted three year long time researches and develops together: High intelligence finance investment analysis software - MT4 foreign exchange intelligence analysis software.Company's product has the independent intellectual property rights completely already to the National Copyright Bureau application copyright. 1st, Its unique MT4 decision-making colored ribbon function, “buys red rises, the green buys falls, the yellow levels”.Suits the daily 5 minutes lines extremely, 15 minutes lines, let you buy lowly, sells high.Certainly, the target has been keen, its operating frequency also slightly has the enhancement, lets your temperately small wave band operation, circumvention more risks, makes money the opportunity was certainly bigger.The careful friend may pay attention to our MT4 decision-making colored ribbon, basic each time all has the profit to exist, therefore our idea is “makes the wave band much, evades the big risk, gains the change steadily.” 2, When 5 minutes lines appear red, 15 minutes lines appear red, when the yellow gold thread is in the crown, the intense suggestion carries on buys rises the operation; Otherwise when appears the green, when also the yellow gold thread is in the base, suggested intensely you carry on buy fall the operation, all foreign exchange have this good regarding the stock, no matter is rises is falls, you all may make money 3, Especially convenient is, you do not need to stare at frequently the plate, the MT4 foreign exchange intelligence analysis system appear buys rises buys falls when can as necessary prompt you 4, The software development principle is, closely follows " to guide the market tendency mainstream fund is " MT4 the foreign exchange intelligence analysis software " soul, expert's analysis mentality, carries on with the fuzzy mathematics the quantification, then carries on by the computer according to the procedure analyzes processing strictly, long-line operation: When MT4 decision-making target by green stain red buys up, when the MT4 target by changes red green sells; Short line operation: Coordinates target operations and so on MT4 channel, MT4 yellow gold thread. 5th, Also has the very many foreign exchange software in the market condition, but other software use is extremely complex, does not suit the ordinary investor's use, is collecting city being WTO entry to be insufficiently experienced not deeply especially or the middle and old aged investor, our software has solved this problem, when tells you to buy up directly when sells then completely automatically completes by the computer. Software downloading address: http://www.958000.com/mt4.rar software explained that,http://www.958000.com software size: 6.52m applies the platform: Win95/98/NT/2000/XP MT4 foreign exchange intelligence analysis system purchase relation: Telephone: +86-0736-6100485 handset: +086-013017276161 relates qq:279968000 to relate email:liuhui810306@163.com the msn account number: yjgupiao@hotmail.com icq: 167637647 Contact person: Mr.Liu the contact surface looks at in advance: http://www.958000.com/Images/Logo_01b90c4e-3f17- 436e-9673-00b9b405b6d3.gif Software purchase expense of registration: 580 Renminbi or 98 US dollars (period of revolution: From registers for the first time to January 1, 2015) the bank account: The Chinese Industry and commerce Bank Hunan Province Changde is popular the intersection branch (support immediate short note notice) the card number: 6222 0019 0810 0660643 opens the name of head of household: Willow tree benefit agricultural bank account number: 6228 4808 2040 7635 318 bank accounts: Agriculture Bank of China Changde Youth North road Branch opens the name of head of household: Willow tree benefit construction bank account number: 6227 0030 0002 0075 990 construction bank Hunan Province Changde Construction bank Mountain Street Sub-branch opens the name of head of household: Willow tree benefit postal savings: 605580015200134542 [Already cleared short note notice] Opens a bank account the mesh point name: Hunan Province Changde Manna Temple Postal service Savings bank name of head of household: After Liu Hui paid expenses informs us through above contact method to be possible

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